Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary ministers of holy communion assist the priest with the smooth and reverent
distribution of communion during Mass when a sufficient number of ordinary ministers (priests, deacons) are not available. One must be a Catholic in good sacramental standing in the Church, mature in faith and of excellent character, who shows reverence and love for the Eucharist and is growing spiritually through daily prayer and liturgical prayer, especially the Sunday Eucharist, and who accepts the responsibility of ministry in serving the needs of others. He/she exhibits a sense of dignity by appropriate Sunday dress, by handling all liturgical vessels with respect, by alert posture, by graceful and correctly timed movement; is person-oriented and has an ability to be attentive to the person being ministered to; is comfortable handling any accidents that might occur so that the communicant involved in such an incident is at ease with the situation and not overly embarrassed; is faithful in keeping scheduled appointments and obtaining dependable replacements when necessary.

The ministers of Hospitality greet parishioners as they arrive in the Gathering Space for mass. Their other duties are to usher people to their seats, if required and to collect the offerings. One minister is chosen to present the offerings in the Offertory Procession.

Our music ministry provides a variety of music, differing at each of the four weekend masses. The 5:00 p.m. Saturday mass has a cantor with piano accompaniment. Sunday 8:15 a.m. mass has a cantor accompanied by the organ; the 10:00 mass has the senior choir sings traditional music in four-part harmony accompanied by the organ; and the 12:15 p.m. mass has contemporary music oriented to young people with guitar, drums, violin, and sometimes additional instruments, sung by a folk choir. The youth of the parish are encouraged to share their talents of instrument playing and voice.

Parishioners may participate in mass by proclaiming the Word of God in the first and second readings and the psalms and lead the congregation in prayer in the Prayers of the Faithful. They may also be engaged in making special announcements. Interested persons wishing to join this ministry may contact the head of the Liturgy Committee.

Sacristans are scheduled for one mass per month. Their duties undertake the overall preparation for liturgical celebrations on Sunday and the special days throughout the liturgical year (Feast of Saint Blaze, Ash Wednesday, Passion Sunday, Holy Thursday, Easter Vigil). The head sacristan oversees and assigns the duties of the ministry.
Among the duties is the arranging of the liturgical books and vestments necessary in the celebration of the sacraments, care of sacred vessels, vestments and altar linens, candles, holy oils, holy water bucket and aspergillum (sprinkler), cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles, censors, incense, charcoal and bells and assuring the sanctuary lamp is lit and holy water fonts are clean and refreshed frequently.
The head sacristan also makes sure that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and decorative objects are kept in good condition and, if necessary, sent for gilding or repair. He/she assures there is a fresh supply of hosts and authorized wine, and the clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense and coals. In this context the head sacristan is responsible for making sure that altar linens are cared for properly cared for and disposed of.
The pastor may also decide to entrust other responsibilities to the head sacristan. This might include coordinating others who help with the general decor of the church, such as cleaners and flower arrangers. He/she might also maintain the practical dealings with external agents such as funeral directors and photographers so that proper decorum is maintained at all times.
In order to carry out these duties, the head sacristan needs to have a fairly good idea of the content and norms of the principal liturgical books and an understanding of the intricacies of the liturgical calendar. The work interfaces with the duties of the Art and Environment ministry.
Altar Server

Youth grades 4 to 12 are eligible to serve weekend and Lenten weekday masses as well as other liturgies: weddings, funerals, and liturgies of Holy Week (Holy Thursday, Children's Way of the Cross, Good Friday and Easter Vigil). The highlight of the liturgical year is the solemn celebration of the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday night and the procession by Father and numerous servers as Our Lord is taken reverently in procession from the altar of sacrifice to the altar of repose in Our Lady's chapel. We are so blessed with the response from the youth that positions are limited and classes are on an as-needed basis. The three R's of altar serving are Respect, Reverence and Rubrics.
Art & Environment

This ministry is concerned with the decor of the church which enhances our prayerful involvement and meditation during the various liturgical seasons. It shows a visible sign of love and reverence towards God. Plants, trees, banners, colors, articles and the like all reflect the gospel messages and the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. The work interfaces with the duties of the sacristans. Parishioners are welcome to share their artistic abilities and interests and lend a helping hand.
Lay Ministry

The Lay Ministry Formation Program is a faith formation program designed for adult lay women and men interested in deepening their understanding
of the Catholic Church, developing their ministry skills, and furthering services in their parish and community.
The Program integrates scripture, theology, spiritual development and pastoral skills, and calls for a commitment of one weekend a month over a
two year period. The cost of participation in the Program is shared by the candidate, his/her parish, and the Diocese. The aims of the Program are to:
- help develop the spiritual life of the candidate
- deepen an understanding of the Church and Catholic Faith
- assist to discern one’s own gifts, and how to use them in the service of others
- help develop these skills, and apply them to a particular area of ministry.
Over the years, a number of individuals from our parish have participated in and graduated from the Lay Ministry Program. Their contributions have
helped enrich our parish life and faith community.
If you are interested in obtaining more information about the Lay Ministry Formation Program, or are wishing to apply for admission, please
contact Claudette Derdaele at the Diocesan Centre at (506) 653-6800 or It can be a life changing experience.