Catholic Women's League (CWL)

Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization rooted in Gospel values, calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. It's motto is "
For God and Canada". The objects of the League shall be to unite Catholic women of Canada to achieve individual and collective spiritual development; to promote the teachings of the Catholic Church; to exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life; to protect the sanctity of human life; to enhance the role of women in church and society; to recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere; to uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world; and to contribute to the under-standing and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help CWL brings together women of the Parish to work for the parish, and community. Members actively participate in all lay ministries, the Liturgy Committee, ecumenism and interfaith endeavors (i.e. World day of Prayer) and the Diocesan retreat held at the Villa Madonna. Our league participated in evangelization and mission assistance by supporting the Catholic Missions in Canada with the calendar campaign and from the funds realized, purchased work books for the Catechism Program. Our Council members promoted, in our parish, the Ribbon of Signatures Campaign against pornography. The ribbon and the petition form is presented to Parliament by our local MP.
For the spiritual growth of members, a mass is offered for deceased members and deceased immediate family members. An Honor Guard is formed by members for the funeral of a deceased member. In our active concern for social and economic justice, we have assisted the parish in preparing food hampers and gifts for the needy at Christmas, and, at Easter, baskets for Hestia House. Guest speakers have informed members and parishioners on issues affecting our community and we have responded by assisting the organizations they represent (i.e. First Steps, Sophia Recovery Center, Coverdale Center). Financial support was given in response to crisis at home and abroad (i.e. Charlotte County flood relief, the people of Haiti).
For fun and fellowship, members may participate in the Christmas luncheon and the closing banquet (when the Diocesan or Provincial Convention are not held in our region). Membership is open to all Catholic women 18 years of age and over. There are two "life members" in our council; both members have served as Provincial Presidents.
The Knights of Columbus (KOC)
Knights of Columbus in an international fraternal organization of Catholic men who adhere to principles
of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. They are charged to work in the church, community, council, youth
and pro-life areas. The local council is named after the first pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Parish, Father M.A. Harris. The council meets on the first and third Mondays of the month to plan
activities. All Catholic men are eligible to become members of this organization.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 11, 2021 /CNW/ - Father Michael McGivney, founder of Knights of Columbus who was beatified by Pope Francis, October 2020, is the subject of two new historical
and inspirational documentaries – Blessed Michael McGivney and A Witness for the World: The Global Impact of Blessed Michael McGivney. Produced by the world's largest fraternal
organization for Catholic men, a lay-led order founded by McGivney in 1882, the documentaries are part of a campaign to inspire members of the Knights in Canada, Catholic audiences
and the public at large to renew their drive for prayer, family life, charity and solidarity with the poor and suffering.
The Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary was founded by Frank Duff of Dublin Ireland. He and envoys, Edel Quinn and Alphonusus Lambe are on their
way to sainthood; their "causes" have been presented toward the final steps for canonization. This
spiritual group has, as its influence and guidance, the Blessed Mother herself. All the works, assisting
the parish priest, are by her direction and followed in prayer by her active members. The weekly
meeting, prayers and work assignments are faithfully accomplished with Mary's help, with many graces
coming from Our Dear Lord and His Blessed Mother. Supporting the legion in prayer are faithful auxiliary members (not
required to attend meetings), who pray daily the Holy Rosary and other short prayers provided (i.e.
The Magnificat).
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Society
No formal membership required, you need only to be present to our Dear Lord in front of the monstrance, a beautiful ornate
receptacle keeping Jesus in full view in a consecrated host. One can also pray before Him in the tabernacle as He Himself requested ... 'Can
you not wait one hour with me?". Exposition & Adoration is a form of thanksgiving and petitioning,
usually following the celebration of Holy Mass. The graces and blessings are meant to change and enhance
our lives, bringing peace and harmony to us, our families and the whole world!